Teen Intervene
Tuesday, May 6, 2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Teen Intervene is a tested, time-efficient, evidence-based program (EBP) for teenagers (12 to 19 years old) experiencing mild to moderate problems associated with alcohol or other drug use. The program can also include the participation of teens’ parents or guardians. Teen Intervene integrates stages of change theory, motivational interviewing, and cognitive-behavioral therapy to help teens reduce and ultimately eliminate their chemical use.
Research has demonstrated Teen Intervene to be very effective in reducing: the number of days of use of alcohol and marijuana; the number of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence symptoms; the number of cannabis abuse and dependence symptoms; and the consequences related to alcohol and drug use. In addition, teenagers’ abstinence rates increased for both alcohol and marijuana. The results were more positive if the parents/guardian were involved.
The program is typically administered in an outpatient, school, or juvenile detention setting by a trained professional in three 1-hour sessions conducted 10 days apart. OASAS has worked with the developer of the program, to modify how Teen Intervene is delivered in NYS. It is delivered primarily in school settings and the time available for sessions generally runs between 30-40 minutes, shorter than was in the research study 60-75 minutes.
Registration fee is $90, which includes 6 Continuing Education hours.