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Navigating COVID-19 Employment Issues In & Out Of The Office
Thursday, November 19, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (PST)
Due to the pandemic, since March, the number of employees who telecommute from home has increased significantly. At the same time, as stay-at-home orders and other restrictions on businesses lifted, many employers have found that their workforce is divided between employees who continue to work from home, and those who have returned to work in an office, store, restaurant, or factory environment. While many of the same employment laws generally apply regardless of where an employee is located, each setting creates its own unique employment law challenges and opportunities.
On November 19th, join Sheppard Mullin’s Brian Murphy and Adam Rosenthal as they co-present a practical webinar guiding business owners, HR professionals, and other attorneys through the legal issues presented in each setting. Along with Richard J. Simmons, Brian and Adam are co-authors of Castle’s definitive employment law publication, the Employer’s Guide To COVID-19 And Emerging Workplace Issues (over 830 pages) and will be referencing it throughout the program. The Employer's Guide is the first go-to, one-stop book of its kind and will be automatically updated electronically through December 31, 2020.
Topics will include:
- New AB 1867: California's COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave
- CDC’s latest recommendations for employers
- DOL’s guidance addressing wage and hour considerations in teleworking environments, exemption status, incentive payments, and overtime calculations
- EEOC guidance regarding reasonable accommodations in a teleworking environment
- OSHA and Cal/OSHA reporting and re-opening guidance
- Wage and hour issues
- Discrimination issues
- Leaves of absence issues
- Issues with returning employees
- Modified work environments and telework approaches
- Recommended COVID-19 policies and procedures